Saturday, January 22, 2011

Web 2.0 Technology

The interesting thing about Web 2.0 that doesn’t seem to be discussed is hardware.  So a computer that was bought in 2006 that hasn’t been used for gaming or storing pictures functions perfectly well.  It does the internet, emails, word processing and YouTube without difficulty.  Second Life however does not compute.

My computer had three sessions with an online repair group before it was decided that it needed a graphics card.  This introduced me to a local computer expert which is always nice.  But the computer kept blue screening with the graphics card so back it went again to be doctored.  This time apart from an occasional screen freeze it was fine.  However discussion decided that rather than having the computer reconfigured an upgrade was more economical.  So the computer has been back to the doctor for a complete upgrade and functions perfectly.

It certainly has plenty of space to store the photos that will be taken with the new digital camera acquired at the end of 2010.

The assumption is or course, that in 2011 everyone has a really recent computer or laptop, a phone that takes digital pictures or a digital camera, access to the internet that enables unlimited downloads and plenty of time to use these facilities.  It must be remembered that an information rich society such as Australia has these resources for some of its people but not all and certainly the rest of the world has similar or greater limitations.

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